Spread RION Technology and Value to the world RION Technical Journal

We will introduce the technologies accumulated through the passion and ingenuity in a detailed and easy to understand manner.
Please take a look.

Latest issue

Introduction of Vol. 12

  • PROJECT STORY : Giving Our All for Your Hearing A Bold Challenge in Rebranding
  • RION QUALITY : To Achieve Independence as Fast as Possible! Quality and Creativity in New Employee Training
  • NEW AND NOTABLE PRODUCTS : VM-57 Vibration Level Meter
  • THE PATENT : Microbial Particle Counter System and Microbial Particle Counting Method
  • TALES OF RION : Quantifying How We Sense Sound
  • OUR FAVORITE TOWN, KOKUBUNJI : Kokubunji and Art
  • FROM MY BOOKSHELF : Fourier Analysis

Cover Art : Hearing aids and their case

Rionet2 is a new addition to the lineup of Rion’s hearing aids. This device is packed with technology, although its compact form factor may make it hard to figure out what it is at first glance. Expressing the intricacy of the device was a challenge, but I was able to convey the density using the many different color patches.

By Yusuke Kitajima (woodblock artist)

Click the front cover image above to read it in e-book form.
(Articles can be downloaded and printed in PDF format)

Back number

The back number of RION Technical Journal is available.

The publication of the RION Technical Journal marks the end of Shake Hands. Volume 12 is the last issue.
The back issues of Shake Hands are available from the banner on the right.

Unite the World with Technology. Technical Journal of Rion, JAPAN Shake Hands