Message from President
Message from Rion's President & CEO, Kiyokatsu Iwahashi
Corporate Philosophy
Rion's corporate philosophy, management philosophy, and code of conduct
Corporate Outline and Corporate Brand
Rion's corporate data including capital, management, office locations, etc.
Contents of Business
Introducing the contents of business by Rion: hearing instruments, audiological equipments, sound and vibration measuring instruments and particle counters
Financial Highlights
Consolidated financial results for the past 5 years
How Rion started and its milestones
Rion's worldwide locations, service centers, and affiliated companies
Rion's Efforts for
Environmental MeasuresRion's policy for global environmental conservation
Rion's Efforts for
Quality of ProductsQuality management system and efforts for environmental activities
SDGs and Social Contribution
At Rion, social contribution is a key component of our Corporate Philosophy